“Deep within you is everything that is perfect, ready to radiate through you into the world.”

“God goes with me wherever I go,” the Course in Miracles (Day 41) reminds me.

And it’s a good reminder.

Sometimes when I feel the immensity of life’s trials and tribulations, I forget. I can become swallowed in the seeming insignificance of my existence and the sense of being alone, shipwrecked. It’s at this time that I need the reminder most. It is in these moments of smallness that the loneliness creeps in and I’ve succumbed to separation thinking. Then I must remember that the Divine is always with me, closer than my neck vein, nearer than my hands and feet. I and the Presence are One. I am the beloved of the Beloved.

The Course in Miracles says, “Deep within you is everything that is perfect, ready to radiate through you into the world.”

Let’s bring this down to Earth… and remember God is always with us. The Divine Presence is in you. It is in me. It loved us so much that It called you forth! As the Kabbalah, the Jewish mystic text, teaches the more we love, the more God experiences love. It’s a two-way street!
Take it to the streets today… Allow yourself to feel the love of the Divine. Allow yourself to love yourself and to love God in every bird, flower, butterfly, child, sunset that the Creator has painted, sculpted, molded for you, for your delight. It’s all for YOU, Beautiful One!
Have courage and know that you are not alone! Your path is lit with the light of Divine Love.

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