The Miracle of Manna and How to Make the Manna Paradigm Shift TM

The Miracle of Manna

Manna is the bread God gave the Israelites every morning before sunrise after they fled Egypt.

Manna was a miracle.

If not for this bread, they would have starved.

Every person was given an amount of manna depending on their appetite and need. However, the bread would not keep. It would rot by the next day, so it had to be eaten.

Hoarding it was useless.

The Israelites had to rely on fresh manna every day.

In the Manna Paradigm Shift™ manna refers to the solution to our material needs and the spiritual nourishment that keeps us going.

Right now we could all use some miracles and ways to be nourished without hoarding and taking more than we need.

By man or by Manna.

We tend to make other people our gods and when we do we limit ourselves and our possibilities.

When we make humans and human institutions our Source and endow them with godlike qualities, we cripple ourselves. We’ve chosen limited human nature over unlimited consciousness. We prevent ourselves from connecting with the Divine Mind within.

To make the Manna Paradigm Shift™ doesn’t require us to adhere to a particular religion or any religion at all. We don’t have to go to church or even believe in a God.

What is required is that you tap into the energy of the Universe. If you can do this, you can make the Manna Paradigm Shift™.

To make the Manna Paradigm Shift:

  1. Choose freedom.

When you practice the Manna Mindset principles I will introduce you to, you’ll see how to choose freedom and the value in choosing freedom every moment. You’ll learn how to liberate and support yourself.


  1. Turn away from your mental subjugation.

Turn away from the beliefs that hold you down. Don’t let human laws be your ultimate authority on anything. This doesn’t mean to harm others and act recklessly. It means question authority. Let no man be your mental master.

We’re conditioned to believe that our power comes from outside ourselves. Like elephants, controlled physically as babies with a chain around their leg, who grow into adulthood unaware that they now have the strength to break that old chain that binds them. We don’t realize we have the power to free ourselves.

Our thoughts have been conditioned by society.  Just because it’s always been done a certain way doesn’t mean it can’t be different.

To release yourself from mental subjugation turn away from common beliefs, trends and expectations. Ignore them. For example, just because there was a recession didn’t mean that everyone experienced a financial downturn. Many people flourished. Turn away from the daily fear-mongering and the voices that exist to keep you from making change or taking risks.

  1. Connect with a Source greater than your small self.

Our power comes through us, through our alignment with our Source. When you see yourself as separate from your Source you feel isolated. However, when you tap into your Source and its infinite potential you are now aligned with its creative power.

This may be the hardest of the three principles to comprehend if you haven’t had a spiritual experience, a tangible experience of the Unified Field or a demonstration of the power of a Higher Power. This will be an esoteric, ephemeral concept until you’ve had an experience like that.

Even though it fades, when you have had a palpable spiritual encounter you remember on the cellular level that there is something greater, something infinitely more powerful than human consciousness alone.

When we connect with the Higher Mind we are choosing an elevated consciousness, one with infinite capacity compared to our finite minds.

Choosing a new consciousness, aligned with something higher than the everyday consciousness of man and our limited physical senses, is the key to our freedom.

As you adhere to the three fundamentals of the Manna Paradigm Shift and follow the steps to create a Manna Mindset your liberation will begin. 

In my next post  I will tell you about an ancient story of liberation, one that is told every year at Passover.

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