50 Tips for Living Your Best Life

50 Tips Living Your Best Life

Below you will find 50 tips that I have picked up over the years that have helped me design and define my life.  May they inspire you to live your best life.

  1. To thine own self be true.
  2. Relationships should be spiritual partnerships first.
  3. If you’re not growing your dying.
  4. We grow together or we grow apart.
  5. Listen to your heart.
  6. Feel the fear, but if it’s your truth don’t let your fear stop you from following your truth.
  7. Follow your bliss.
  8. Say you’re sorry when you’re wrong.
  9. Take responsibility for your life
  10. Don’t shrink to make others more comfortable
  11. Sing and dance like no one’s watching or like everyone’s watching and they love what they hear and see.
  12. Keep your heart open.
  13. Forgive.
  14. Do what you love unless it’s bad for you. If it’s unhealthy do it in moderation.
  15. Stay fit-exercise-walk.
  16. Be honest, even when it’s hard.
  17. Express gratitude.
  18. Tell people you love them.
  19. Make time to play.
  20. Give it your best, do your best.
  21. Work hard, be prepared and also let grace lead the way.
  22. Know when to roll up your sleeves and try harder.
  23. Know when to surrender.
  24. Know when to let go and move on.
  25. Love yourself first.
  26. Be your own best friend.
  27. Take yourself on dates and buy yourself flowers.
  28.  Celebrate.
  29.  Meditate.
  30. Give back.
  31. Mentor and inspire.
  32. Listen deeply.
  33. Shine your light and fly your freak flag.
  34. Save money in a retirement account.
  35. Get insurance. Health, income protection, etc. Hopefully you’ll never need it, but you’ll have peace of mind if you do.
  36. Think positively.
  37. Keep learning and growing.
  38. Quit your bad habits.
  39. Learn and remember people’s names.
  40. Smile
  41. Have a regular self-care practice (massage, network chiropractic, accunpuncture).
  42. Have friends of all ages and backgrounds.
  43. Learn another language.
  44. Learn to say “hello, please, and thank you” in as many languages as you can, especially those of the restaurants you go to (Italian, Mexican, Thai).
  45. Travel often.
  46. Read books or listen to audio books.
  47. Focus on Maslow’s Self-Actualization Hierarchy.
  48. Program your mind for happiness and success.
  49. Don’t settle.
  50. Encourage the people around you and keep making new friends.

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