Whose life are you living?

Does your life belong to you?

Now is the time to reclaim your life, instead of letting it belong to everyone else.

We are constantly getting bombarded with other people’s agendas for us. We’re brainwashed on what to eat, what to buy, what soap to use, how to view our bodies, and more.

Now is the time to tap into our own inner compass, our heart. Now is the time to connect with our essential nature. When I do this my life is exponentially more satisfying. I am living more authentically, authoring my own life.

Lao Tzu the ancient Chinese mystic who preceded Jesus and Buddha talked about Tao Te Ching, which translates to The Way, and means living life in harmony with nature and following the heart’s guidance. Practicing the way, puts you on a mystical path.

Would you like to walk the path of the mystic?

Would you be willing to get still and listen to your inner guidance?

Would you be willing to meditate as part of your daily life to clear the clutter of the world from your brain?

Would you be willing to let everyone else’s ideas of what your life should look like go?

Would you be willing to be free?

Now, is the time to follow your heart and let the Universe support you.

It might sound corny. It did to me once, until I realized what a powerful and satisfying way it is to live.

Walking the path of the mystic and being present in the here and now means your actions will be directed from a place of centered, grounded inner knowing.

When you are present and grounded, you will make better choices and you will see greater synchronicity when you do.

I’ve found when I’m on this path I can trust that what I need will be there for me every day, rather than spending time worrying about the future or the past.

Are you willing to be free? Are you willing to let go and be here now?

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