7 tips to help you bring back to wholeness

Feeling scattered and stressed?

7  tips to help you bring back to wholeness.

1. Observe what’s going on around you as if you were watching a drama unfolding on TV. This is a way to get perspective and to respond, not react, to circumstances..

2. Find moments of stillness. Take time to rest, meditate, and simply sit still.

3. Slow down and do less.

4. Set boundaries. Say “no” when you mean “no.” Stop engaging in people pleasing behaviors or trying to do it all.

5. Enjoy simple moments. Instead of seeking spectacle and entertainment, enjoy simple moments of connection, a sunset, a good meal.

6. Breathe. Take slow deep breathes. Feel your feet firmly on the ground.

7. Connect with the natural elements. Light a candle. Go for a walk. Sit by a fountain.

Slow down and be someone who relishes the simple joys, focuses on loving thoughts of yourself and others, and speaks kindly and encouragingly to those you encounter.

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